OGSOSA 1965/69 Class Set Celebrates
We felicitate with OGS, our great Alma Mater on the 80th year of foundation! We are highly honoured and blessed to have passed through this prestigious citadel of knowledge.
The impactful learning, instructions, education and opportunities we received during our stay in those formative years of ours molded and shaped us and they created the golden, solid pathways that stood us in good stead and placed us on very high pedestals in today’s world. OGS, we are eternally grateful and we profusely express our heart-felt thanks! In our different walks of life, we are holding our own with our heads high up. Our set is particularly proud to be a part of the alumni community, and we have been noble and dignified ambassadors writing history and contributing immensely and unsurpassed to the success story of OGS.
(On the roll call of honour of those that emerged from among us are 4 Alumni and 1 (the first and the only OGS) Alumna University Professors – including 2 former Vice Chancellors and an Alumna former Deputy Vice Chancellor; 2 Professor/Consultant Surgeons; 1 Medical Professor of Human Anatomy – Reputable Accountant, 4 Distinguished Engineers, Medical Doctors, Successful Pharmacists, Medical Technologist, Architect, Quantity Surveyor, Lawyers, Magistrates, Radiographers, College Administrators and Educationists, Royal Father, Businessmen and businesswomen of repute in an endless list).
We are sure that OGS will continue to produce generations of leaders and innovators who will continue to make a positive impact in the country and the world stage. We use the occasion to also thank all our teachers and staff who dedicated their lives to OGS for their passion and commitment to education and for being exemplary and inspiring. We are grateful for all that they have done for us and for countless other students.
Happy anniversary and long live OGS!!!

OGS Anthem
Happy workers are we all
That come from Offa Grammar School
Day and boarders, pupils, masters
What a lucky bond we all appear
That seem to learn without a tear
More than jolly are we
That come to Offa Grammar School
Let us pray let us pray (x2)
Offa Grammar School shall never perish
Amen, Amen, Amen, Amen, Amen
Efficiency and good character (x2)
Offa Grammar School shall never perish.
OGS Saying
The usual admonition to the graduating students by Mr JA Osanyin (Principal 1949 - 66) goes as follow: Go forth into the world in peace. Be of good courage. Render to no man evil for evil ... May God grant you His protection, real success, long life and prosperity ...